Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

November 8, 2007

Knocked Up and Idiocracy

Filed under: Film — louisproyect @ 8:25 pm

At the risk of being hunted down by fans of “Knocked Up” like Frankenstein fleeing angry villagers armed with pitchforks, I have to state that this is the worst “comedy” I have seen since “Little Miss Sunshine,” another over-hyped piece of garbage. As was the case with “Little Miss Sunshine,” I could not bear watching more than 15 or 20 minutes. If there is ever an armed uprising in the US against the capitalist system and I am drafted into leading a guerrilla detachment, my only fear of being captured is not being waterboarded but being forced to watch these two movies over and over again.

Seth Rogen: seriously unfunny

Some of the main characters in “Knocked Up” are a group of male “slacker” roommates, who spend all their time watching stupid television shows and smoking pot. Now it is possible to make a good comedy about such people, as Richard Linklater’s 1991 gem “Slacker” would indicate. But director Judd Apatow, also responsible for the execrable “Forty Year Old Virgin” with the terminally ungifted Steve Carrell in the title role, has about as much flair for making his characters interesting as early 1960s Hollywood had with “beatniks.” Apatow’s characters are entirely one-dimensional. They are defined by their bad habits, their utter lack of self-awareness and their puerility. That this film has become a big hit with America’s young, the demographic group that Hollywood dotes on, is a sad commentary on the tastes and intelligence of a nation in decline.

While most critics acknowledged that it was implausible that Alison Scott (Katherine Heigl), a stunningly beautiful and upwardly mobile television personality, would have sex with a slob like Ben Stone (played by Seth Rogen), let alone decide to have his baby, they all found the movie “hilarious”. Typical was the NY Times review:

In this case the buoyant hilarity never feels weighed down by moral earnestness, even though the film’s ethical sincerity is rarely in doubt. The writing is quick and sharp, and the jokes skitter past, vanishing almost before you can catch them. Rather than toggle back and forth, sitcom-style, between laughter and tears, Mr. Apatow lingers in his scenes long enough to show that what is funny can also be sad and vice versa.

“Knocked Up” made me smile and wince; it made me laugh and almost cry. Above all it made me happy.

Keep in mind of course that this newspaper of record also put people like Judith Miller and A.M. Rosenthal on its payroll.

Despite its MTV ‘tude, “Knocked Up” boils down to a defense of “family values.” In 2005, “Just Like Heaven,” another romantic comedy, was a veiled defense of keeping Terri Schiavo on the feeding tube with its attractive female lead in a coma. Now we have “right to life” at the opposite end of the life-cycle. As difficult as it is to imagine an ambitious and reasonably intelligent woman like Allison Scott going to bed with a slob like Ben Stone, it is even far more difficult to imagine her having his baby.

Apparently I am not the only person on earth who had not been suckered into raving over “Knocked Up.” In a Guardian article  by the shrewd American critic and humorist Joe Queenan dated September 4, 2007, no prisoners are taken:

Rogen’s fantasy ceases to be stereotypically joyous when Heigl discovers that she is pregnant. Amazingly, neither party ever seriously considers the highly attractive option of abortion, which may be a sign that the anti-abortion movement is gathering strength in Hollywood, or may simply result from a realisation that abortion makes a poor subject for a comedy (puking and watching women on the toilet is fine, though). Or it may simply be a sign that feminism is dead. The film now moves in an excruciatingly predictable direction, as Rogen gradually realises that he will have to shape up and do the right thing and be a do-right-man for his do-right, if somewhat dim, woman. Along the way, there are a lot of jokes about bodily functions, a lot of dialogue that is explicitly contemptuous of women, and a lot of profanity. This is a film for teenage boys who dream of growing up to be teenage men…

Where is all this leading? It’s leading to a future so dark that women will look back on the decade that brought them The Runaway Bride, Notting Hill, My Best Friend’s Wedding and My Big Fat Greek Wedding as a golden age. Infatuated by Apatow’s success, Hollywood has turned over the keys to the industry to the 40-year-old producer/director/screenwriter, whose upcoming projects include a film about high-school losers (Superbad), a film about a stoner who witnesses a murder (The Pineapple Express), a film about a sad little man who just broke up with his girlfriend (Forgetting Sarah Marshall), and a film about a Mossad agent who fakes his own death so that he can become a hair stylist. Thus, the situation today is very much like back in the days when John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase and the rest of the Saturday Night Live alumni turned out third-rate movies faster than anyone could possibly see them, and dominated screen comedy until Robin Williams came along to make things worse.

Anyone out there who finds Apatow’s films amateurish, derivative, juvenile and offensive to women is simply out of luck. Like the satanic alumni of Saturday Night Live, Apatow and his posse never stop working, everything they pitch gets enthusiastically greenlighted, and until one of these films bombs, the public is going to be seeing an awful lot of his work. When Apatow made The 40 Year Old Virgin, there was much rejoicing in the land, because people were thrilled that someone was once again making “sophisticated” romantic comedies instead of the usual moronic Adam Sandler fare. Well, Sandler is the star of Apatow’s upcoming Don’t Mess With The Zohan. The dark ages are back. Not that they ever left.

Speaking of the dark ages, I can recommend Mike Judge’s “Idiocracy” with some qualifications. Inspired by Woody Allen’s “Sleeper,” it stars Luke Wilson (a much more tolerable actor than his more famous brother Owen) as Private Joe Bauers, who is a guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. While the experiment is only supposed to keep him asleep for a year, unforeseen circumstances keep him in a state of hibernation for 500 years.

Mike Judge’s world of 2506 is a lot like today’s world, except even worse. Fed by a diet of stupid television shows and movies like “Knocked Up,” they have forgotten how to read a book and can barely speak. Their language is a mixture of grunts, slacker style “ya knows” and locker room profanity–both from men and women. Anybody who is the least bit articulate, including Joe Bauers, is seen as a “faggot”.

Just as is the case in “Sleeper”, Bauers is a threat to the status quo and pursued relentlessly by the cops who are nearly as stupid as they are brutal. When they open fire on Bauers’s getaway car, one cop shoots in the air for no good reason and brings down an airliner. Clearly, Mike Judge had been following the news about law in order in Baghdad, Los Angeles and New York City when he wrote this scene.

Unfortunately, Mike Judge is no Woody Allen (nor is Woody Allen himself any longer) and the film mainly consists of a single joke repeated over and over. It might also be said that Mike Judge wants to have his cake and eat it too. For somebody so obviously appalled by “idiocracy,” Judge had no problems creating “Beevis and Butthead,” an MTV show that basically wallows in stupidity. It is especially problematic in light of how “Idiocracy” represents a 2506 version of MTV’s wildly popular “Jackass” as the typical TV show of the future. Between “Jackass” and “Beevis and Butthead,” the differences are minimal at best.

Mike Judge: a bit too much for 20th Century Fox

Despite his reputation as a money-maker almost equal to Judd Apatow, Mike Judge found himself shafted by Twentieth Century Fox when the film premiered in 2005. There was almost no money allocated for advertising and the movie tanked. Some believe that the anti-corporate message of “Idiocracy” was just a bit too explicit for a studio run by Rupert Murdoch, as reported in the September 8, 2006 Guardian:

There is venomous anti-corporate satire throughout the movie, remarkable mainly because Judge names real corporations. I was astounded – and invigorated – by the sheer vitriol Judge directs at these companies, who surely now regret permitting the use of their licensed trademarks. Like fast-food giant Carl’s Jr, which in 2006 sells 6,000-calorie burgers the size of dictionaries under the slogan, “Don’t Bother Me, I’m Eating”. In Idiocracy, this has devolved into “Fuck You! I’m Eating!” And every commercial transaction has been sexualised: at Starbucks you can get coffee plus a handjob (or a “full body” latte).

Idiocracy isn’t a masterpiece – Fox seems to have stiffed Judge on money at every stage – but it’s endlessly funny, and my friends and I will be repeating certain lines for months (especially while eating), a sure sign of a cult hit. And word got out fast: I saw it last Saturday in a half-empty house. Two days later, same place, same show – packed-out. There’s an audience for this movie, but its natural demographic barely knows it’s out there.

Behind the movie’s satire lie long-term social changes like the stupidisation of the American electorate over 30 years through deliberate underfunding of public education, the corporate takeover of every area of public and private life, and the tendency of the media – particularly Fox News – to substitute anti-intellectual rage and partisan division for reasoned public debate.

Some will argue that Fox has also given us some of the best television of the last 15 years – true – and that if quality sells as well as garbage, then the bottom line is served either way.

So why was Idiocracy dumped? Perhaps because it taps a growing anti-corporate mood in the nation; perhaps because it expertly satirises the jingoistic self-absorption that now passes for public culture. Or perhaps because more people are sick of the modern America that Fox energetically helped to build than the Fox corporation itself is ready to admit.


  1. Although I haven’t seen “Knocked Up,” I would probably agree with your assessment. I also hated “Little Miss Sunshine,” which epitomized everything I’ve come to despise about so-called “independent cinema”: the “quirky” characters, the potty-mouthed grandpa, etc., a sad waste of Alan Arkin’s talent (he was wonderful in “Slums of Beverly Hills,” by the way).

    The thing is, Judd Apatow’s show, “Freaks & Geeks,” was one of the greatest television shows of all time, and well worth getting on DVD.

    Give Mike Judge some props. He did “Beavis & Butthead” (which wasn’t so bad; you just have to go with the flow!) but he also did “King of the Hill,” a sly sendup of “red state” stupidity, and “Office Space,” a modern-day classic.

    Comment by John B. — November 8, 2007 @ 10:04 pm

  2. “Idiocracy” had a couple good moments, but it’s not a remotely intelligent flick. It’s completely hamfisted and predictable. Zero subtly, a series of sight gags strung together, etc.

    And the retarded social Darwinist crap at the beginning: poor people are dumb and inbred, hence poor; wealthier people are intelligent and thoughtful, hence fewer in number and richer. Enlightening stuff. Throw in a gonzo and *very black* president as the inevitable outcome of a devolved America, and it’s easy to forget, that at times, this is marginally better than Dumb and Dumber.

    Not to belabor the point, but it’s a bit ironic that such a stupid, base movie should be celebrated as incisive satire.

    Forgettable crap, at best.

    Comment by Andrew — November 9, 2007 @ 6:03 am

  3. Louis

    I think there’s a vast gulf between some TV comedies (in both the US and Britain) and what’s on offer film-wise. Why do you think that is? I can’t remember the last British film comedy that was any good and, personally, I can’t ever imagine another ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles’ or ‘Producers’ surfacing any time soon. Oh, by the way, if Hugh Grant’s in America at the moment, keep him there. Please.

    Comment by Doug — November 9, 2007 @ 10:10 am

  4. Based on its previews I had no interest in seeing this movie. Boy was I mistaken, this movie actually satirizes the exact people who watched it because they LIKED the previews. Pretty devious stuff. Of course with that being the case almost no one who saw it actually understood it, but thus is life…

    I just saw the movie and wrote it up here: I can’t claim eloquence at this hour but it’s worth a read: Idiocracy, the movie



    Comment by mnuez — November 9, 2007 @ 10:36 am

  5. What I find fascinating about Knocked Up is how Leslie Mann hasn’t divorced Apatow for making a film where her character is intolerant, judgmental, incredibly mean, and ONLY comes around to the Seth Rogen character after he stands up to her and tells here to fuck off. Not since Brad Meltzer’s Identity Crisis have I seen a writer so internalize his rage at his wife through fiction.

    Comment by Dan Coyle — November 9, 2007 @ 4:15 pm

  6. […] 1. Knocked Up–reviewed here […]

    Pingback by 2007 Film Notes « Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist — December 7, 2007 @ 10:57 pm

  7. Yes, the president is black. Yes, he is dumb. In fact, everyone is dumb- all the elected officials, most of whom are white, and all the appointed cabinet members, most of whom are white, and all the police, most of whom are white. God forbid this movie about stupid people represent a BLACK person as dumb.

    Comment by Mike — February 26, 2008 @ 6:09 pm

  8. wow can you cry more? aparently your some stuck up asshole who went to go see a movie alot of people like but just because a big fat cock was in you ass you disliked it blah blah blah who gives a fuck you prude why don’t you go to a wine and cheese festival and shut the fuck up

    Comment by fuckyouasshole — February 27, 2008 @ 9:52 pm

  9. Idiocracy was a documentary, not a sci-fi flick.

    Comment by CC — March 16, 2008 @ 7:57 pm

  10. Thank you for writing this article! After being dragged by my friends to both the 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, no one could understand why I started twitching in pain every time someone mentioned entering a movie theater. I despise the paper-thin personalities and puerile situations that Hollywood has recently popularized and can’t believe people everywhere are gushing about what a genius Apatow is. I didn’t know reveling in scatological humor and vapid stereotypes was considered genius.

    After I got over the initial shock of a beautiful and intelligent young woman with a promising future throwing away her whole personal life for an unemployed porn-hunting loser (for a father-figure no less!), I spent the rest of the movie silently screaming at Scott to RUN FOR HER LIFE. Even more unbelievable was that Stone, whose audience appeal was built on his role as an irresponsible loser, would decide (over the course of two entire lunch conversations) to morph from a boob-hunting pothead to the model American male. It was definitely one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen.

    The comment above mine illustrates just the kind of person who these movies appeal to. Hollywood seems to have stimulated a kind pro-jackass personality among the masses and is pursuing it gusto. It makes my stomach turn.

    Comment by W. Smith — April 2, 2008 @ 4:31 pm

  11. Im guessing youve hit the lose of humor that occurs at 40. These where both hilarious satire of American culture and they where both very entertaining. Most of the people that don’t like Idiocracy are the very folks that it lampoons. Thats enough of that fag talk now!

    Comment by DougG — April 2, 2008 @ 6:43 pm

  12. I’m curious as to what you guys view as GOOD cinema, since you seem to unrelentlessly bash everything considered “good” by the public. You sound like every kid I knew in high school who would purposely disagree with anything that was popular, just for the sake of appearing ‘smart’ and ‘enlightened’ (when, in fact, they were the biggest tools at my school).

    Comment by MikeG — April 14, 2008 @ 3:11 pm

  13. im sorry youre not smart enough to see the hidden humor in almost every scene. you elitist pricks. “im cool because i don’t like what’s popular”
    i think youre the the one whos in need of growing up. i know oyu miss high school. cry about it.

    Comment by blackout — April 17, 2008 @ 12:53 am

  14. your review was unsatisfying and pretentious.
    you prick

    Comment by jamesdean — May 20, 2008 @ 12:20 pm

  15. Everybody is familiar with your type. The type of person who hates everything mainstream, touting yourself as enlightened and holding fast to the belief that you’re better than everyone else because of this false sense of enlightenment. What you really are is a bitter pretentious prick, and nominee for douchebag of the year award. Unfortunately, you won’t be attending the ceremony because award shows are for the mainstream peasants, and you’re just so far above them, aren’t you?

    Comment by penisinyourbutthole — May 26, 2008 @ 2:44 am

  16. Okay, so our man Louis is a pretentious prick, to quote the more aggressive respondents above. But I can’t help thinking that the tone of their responses puts them exactly in the same category as Louis himself, but at the other end of the spectrum. What’s the matter boys, can’t handle someone not liking what you do, so you’ve got to hit him over the head with a sledgehammer. How dare he question your view of the world, ay? Who really are the douchebags here? As for the film, well, I don’t give a shit about any of Louis’s intellectual ravings….I just didn’t think it was all that funny. Give me a good old “Naked Gun” or “Flying High” or any other of the legendary send-up slapsticks anyday over the waffling story telling of “Knocked Up” and its genre.

    Comment by Bewor — June 22, 2008 @ 3:58 pm

  17. For someone who doesn’t care for this movie, you seem pretty motivated to write about it. Hmmm, are you angry at something else? This movie didn’t change my life or anything, but I can’t see how someone would not find this funny at some points. The dialogue while simple, was intelligent and moved at a fast enough pace to not be a bore.

    Comment by Ben — July 16, 2008 @ 7:56 am

  18. jesus christ dude. you bash everything. what exactly do you like? steve carell unfunny. come on. i dont understand how this wasnt funny for you. your probably a douche that hates knocked up and little miss sunshine but likes the real most overrated movie ever in juno.

    Comment by devan — August 1, 2008 @ 9:48 am

  19. I completely disagree with you. Maybe it’s because I’m a 21 year old male who fits into that demographic Apatow aims for perfectly or maybe it’s because you don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about.

    If Knocked Up, The 40 Year Old Virgin, and Superbad are so terrible what is a good comedy? What makes you laugh?

    Do you not see the heart in these films? What’s wrong with someone deciding to keep the sentient being growing inside their belly? Some people take responsibility for their drunken actions. Are you saying that if you were to have random drunken sex with someone you would say, “Oh fuck it, I’m was being an idiot so let’s kill the baby cus I don’t feel like raising it right now.”

    Oh and Steve Carrell is a genius. Ever seen The Office? Didn’t think so. That show manages to be hilarious every episode without resorting to childish toilet humor every time. In fact the really vulgar dirty jokes are few and far between. Carrell’s excellent comedic timing creates at least 30-40% of the show’s hilarious awkward situations.

    Maybe you should stop growing up and have some fun.

    Comment by Luke Soin — August 6, 2008 @ 6:48 pm

  20. My, it seems that the rather firm satire of Beavis and Butt-head has gone some way over your head here. It probably happened when you were trying so terribly hard to seem like a serious person.

    Comment by Ron — September 23, 2008 @ 1:27 pm

  21. I agree with the reviewer. Taken from a simple point of view, the film just was not funny. At all. The only character that made me and the people I watched it with laugh was the high asian lady. She had two scenes in the whole film, and yet Seth Rogan, who is never funny, gets a full 2 hours to flounder around looking awkward. The film actually managed to depress me because of this.

    And what was with the sudden change of heart one of the guys wife had at the end? ‘Ill be a bitch to you for the whole movie, but until you actually say something mean to me, I’ll be nice to you’ BAWWWWW stupid stupid STUPID. She should have remained a bitch, because she was the only character that made sense in the whole film.

    The two lead characters had zero chemistry, which is pretty major if you are trying to make us feel all warm and fuzzy with sentiment towards the end.

    I’m sure Rogan is a nice guy in person, but he can’t act. He isn’t funny.

    40 Year Old Virgin was bearable because it had a lead that could deliver comedy. Rogan cannot. He is never funny. Many of his lines come off as predictable or camp. I’m a Stoner, therefore I MUST be obsessed with porn, love ping-pong, drinking, am a slob, have no money blah blah blahhhh. It isn’t subtle, it isn’t clever, and it most certainly isn’t funny.

    The movie is the male equivelant of a chick flick, or an idiotic 20-something year old equivalent to Disney. Down trodden looser gets with the hot character in the end, all the while becoming enlightened, figuring out that their oddball friends are doing more harm then good, and that everything ends happily if you only believe in yourself *wank wank wank*.

    Stupid film.

    Comment by BonBon — April 11, 2009 @ 8:13 am

  22. i’m sorry you have no sense of humor.

    Comment by Bob — August 2, 2009 @ 6:01 pm

  23. […] Opening at the IFC Center in New York on February 12th, Erik Gandini’s documentary “Videocracy” examines how Silvio Berlusconi’s control of Italian television facilitates control over a population that appears even more addicted to junk TV than the U.S.’s One might even wonder if Gandini chose the title “Videocracy” in honor of a similar but fictional film titled “Idiocracy” directed by Mike Judge of “Beavis and Butt-head” fame. This is from my November 2007 review: […]

    Pingback by Videocracy « Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist — February 3, 2010 @ 9:06 pm

  24. You cannot, I repeat cannot, be taken seriously as a critic if you refuse to watch the movie you’re “reviewing” in its entirety. It’s not just bankrupt ethically but intellectually as well. While everyone is undoubtedly entitled to their opinion, and there are certainly those who agree with you that Knocked Up was no great movie, at least they’re not basing it off a mere 15 minutes.

    Comment by Anon. — February 11, 2010 @ 8:29 pm

  25. lol, you mean you only watched the first 20 mins before writing this?

    Comment by nibbler — April 2, 2010 @ 4:04 pm

  26. I rather agree with your critic. So over ratted and I was chocked to see that Rotten Tomatoes got 90% for this rough piece of gross humor.

    Comment by oooolivier — April 3, 2010 @ 1:48 am

  27. I think everyone is allowed to like, dislike, love and hate any movie. There are two things I don’t totally understand though:
    – is there a rule saying that people are only attracted to people who look like themselves. Wouldn’t that be a stereotype to say that because she is beautiful, she can only be attracted to the Mr Hollywood perfect guy? That would have made of “knocked up” another typical romantic comedy.
    – the last time I read about comedy “The Seven basic plots” by Christopher Booker, from what I understood (it doesn’t mean I am right in my understanding of things), comedy is about how two people who are separated by either their family, their own self-centeredness,their own immaturity etc. are journeying throughout a story, learning about themselves and then able to enjoy a reward. Usually, the reward is their reunion with their loved one. I think that funny or not for you, Knocked up follows that plot, so it is a comedy.
    Now, I do apologize for my ignorance but what do you mean by : “Keep in mind of course that this newspaper of record also put people like Judith Miller and A.M. Rosenthal on its payroll”.
    Thank you for sharing your opinion. It did create an interesting discussion about the movie. à

    Comment by Awa — July 19, 2010 @ 2:37 pm

  28. I’m not a fan of gross-out humor or easy laughs, but I found Knocked Up likable and moderately charming. Yeah, I’m not entirely sure how that happened myself. It just happened. What I am sure of, however, is that:

    1. As a reviewer, you simply CAN’T expect any sort of respect for writing about a movie you only watched 15 minutes of. It is ridiculous to review a movie you have not even seen.

    2. This movie was not about abortion, and both characters did touch on the subject, which was enough for me. I am a pro-choice female, but even I understood that if they went any longer into an abortion “do we keep it” debate then it would take away from the real point of the movie – two very different people coming together to raise their child.

    3. Knocked up would truly have sucked if both leads were attractive in the traditional sense. Yes, Rogan does not have the looks typical of the lead man in the typical rom-com. In part, that was what made this movie likable for me. I’m sick of all the traditional romantic comedies where two beautiful people meet and fall in love with a few contrived laughs. I may be a chick, but chick flicks tend to make me sick to my stomach. I’m rather follow my boyfriend to a horror movie than sit through another rotten replay of John and Jane Pretty meeting and falling in love.

    That’s it, my rant is over. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and this response is in no way meant to bash the reviewer. To sum it up, I just do not think you should have written a review about a movie you really did not see.

    Comment by Heather — January 13, 2011 @ 8:03 pm

  29. what an idiotic review! of course she had the baby! what else could she do? and how dare you mention abortion? that’s immoral murder and those that do it should be in jail..Read The Bible, you sinner. This is a good movie. got a problem? email me at piggywiggy@hotmail.ph

    Comment by jack — August 23, 2011 @ 4:06 am

  30. It seems to me that your political predilections have overshadowed your ability to simply sit back and enjoy a good comedy. You’ve managed to portray a movie that exhibited no signs whatsoever of trying to seriously deal with politically divisive issues as somehow preaching a pro-life message. Why? Simply because the female lead decided to keep her accidental pregnancy?

    As someone who’s no stranger to the development process, it seems obvious that this choice was more a function of story than any imagined sociopolitical propaganda. If she aborts, there’s no film! I would think someone who pretends to be of your intelligence level might have caught this. There would be no glue to hold these two opposites together long enough for them to see past their differences, to reflect on themselves enough to honestly change, and to ultimately end up completing satisfying character arcs.

    That shock and discomfort you were so offended by upon seeing Heigel with Rogan is – I would assume – precisely what you were meant to feel. And it’s precisely what put you right in the moment with now-sober Heigel as she realizes what a mistake she made by drunkenly hooking up with this guy the night before. But you were too hung up on the superficialities and your political dogma to see any of this let alone appreciate it for the set-up of the character arcs to come. And that’s your loss, but it’s a shame to think that your pretentious, contrarian review may have kept others from seeing what I and so many others found to be quite an enjoyable and funny film.

    Comment by Shawn Mullins — April 11, 2012 @ 10:29 pm

  31. I’m glad it’s A Pro-Life Film because anything else would be advocating murder

    Comment by Jack — April 11, 2012 @ 11:27 pm

  32. I’m not sure why he says it’s inspired by “Sleeper”. Did Judge make that remark? The movies are actually quite different. In Idiocracy they don’t see him as a “threat to society” he just breaks some law and gets arrested – would have happened to anyone. In sleeper there is a malicious state police type gov’t seeking domination, idiocracy everyone is just plain stupid. Also sleeper’s premise has nothing to do with “evolution no longer favoring intelligence” which is the whole premise of the movie. Just because you don’t have any original ideas don’t assume everybody else is ripping other people off.

    Comment by Paul Perez — January 19, 2015 @ 5:54 am

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